I have always been curious about dreams and their possible meanings ever since I was still in high school. I remember, I used to ask my mom at first for the interpretations of my dreams. My mom is good with it, but the thing is, she wouldn't tell me the complete picture of the meaning of my dreams especially if it happened to be a bad premonition. Just like when she does card reading (yes, tarot even, for her friends or for mine) and yes even palm reading, she always held back the bad meanings. I asked her once why she does this and the reason is; and I quote: "Because palm or card reading and the interpretation of dreams is one big responsibility. It can harm people. It can even ruin lives. The interpreter is responsible to be discreet about what he/she sees in the cards and in the palm. He/she can chose to tell everything, no holds barred, but then again, he/she should be ready for the consequences that goes with it. Besides, guilt is bad vibes which becomes a hindrance or an obstacle for the reader to be able to interpret the meaning of the cards or the dream correctly".
Going back to the meaning of my dream, I had to recall some details in order to find out what it means. Here goes:
1. Mood: Surprised - at the milk dripping from my breasts
Confused - how I got the baby without knowing of being pregnant
Dismay - after the baby didn't seem to like my milk
Regret - about smoking, thinking it was the reason why the baby didn't like the milk
2. Color: everything around me seemed to be salmon pink, I was wearing a cream sleeveles shirt and the baby looked to be caucasian
3. Atmosphere: as if normal
to be continued....
Posted by missP at April 17, 2004 11:34 AM